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Introduction of 3D Mosaic

Categories: Industrinal newsStars: 3Stars Visit: - Release time: 2015-12-30 10:07:00
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 3D mosaic, that positive effect is not planar layout is simple, but for the three-dimensional effect of mold mosaic products.

Structural features 3D Mosaic
Positive for three-dimensional modeling structure
The relationship between the internal components of stitching and die Mosaic product is basically the same
Modeling many types of components
You can only have a relatively simple design changes
The main purpose of 3D mosaic
In general, 3D mosaic tile products are mainly used for indoor and outdoor walls, especially walls made featuring the most prominent, and its cost will be lower than monochrome plate process modeling
3D Marseille Kebo fight then it could replace our previous line of flowers, decorated with all kinds of different effects, its biggest advantage is the flexibility to handle color structure and fight the group, which is plate type can not be done, and the small particles Mosaic a combination of better.
3D mosaic complexity of the assessment
The more complex specifications
The larger unit more complex, more fragile
The more complex color
The more complex the shape Shape
3D mosaic products mainly process
According to the design requirements primaries material, first of all to ensure consistency in color and design purposes.
Building blocks with different specifications according to the structure material is expected to open three-dimensional cell assembly
Process modeling. According to three-dimensional structure of all types of components required three-dimensional surface of the molding.
Sub-items. Machining dividing cell assembly according to specifications.
High frequency motion. In order to achieve the effect of natural surfaces.
Featured materials. In order to ensure that the final product quality.
Hand spell groups. Achieve product portfolio.
Structure amended. Complete lack of quality defects.
Try stitching quality inspection. Ensure the accuracy of the final mosaic effect.
Inner and outer packages.

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