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The Cautions part B of Bathroom mosaic stickers

Categories: Industrinal newsStars: 3Stars Visit: - Release time: 2016-05-18 19:18:00
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 Bathroom mosaic stickers Caution Two: Design and Collocation

1, Bathroom mosaic color inside should not be too strong and jumping, laying in the bathroom when the mosaic should choose quiet calm color, the other do not have a strong color contrast chunks of color, have a primary and secondary points.
2, If the bathroom area is too small, also determines whether the transparent mosaic choice generally choose a larger area for toilet magnificent mosaics pattern. Such as the waterfall-style shades of white stripes mosaic is very light and spacious space for the toilet. The smaller bathroom space is possible, choose a light color, to avoid overly crowded bathroom.
3, in addition to color selection and collage style, the mosaic ground, toiletries and harmony with jewelry is also very important. Usually dark mosaic with relaxed, bright color bath products, jewelry colors can jump relatively few, this can increase the indoor lively, clever atmosphere.
4, another small mosaic pattern to give a small bathroom to add some aura, make up a small bathroom lighting and ventilation relative lack of weaknesses.

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