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The installation construction method of Ancient Boat wood mosaic

Categories: Industrinal newsStars: 3Stars Visit: - Release time: 2016-07-23 10:07:00
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 Ancient Boat wood mosaic is an old wooden boat wooden boat with one kind of natural hand-made from old wooden boat in the nature of long carved waterproof, pest control, anti-corrosion, has a unique sense of the vicissitudes of the United States and incomplete, is the art of personalized decoration material of choice for decoration one. ...

Funaki mosaic construction process:
1, paving the wall preparation
Decorated with strips of wood nailed wooden keel, then at the top of the keel wood shop, and then to remove the wood surface of dust, debris, to ensure clean wood surface before construction paving. (Flat bottom with wood paste on the plastic material can be directly paving)
2, the product of preparation
Pre-construction pre placed horizontally about the product, confirm the effect of paving after construction. Rules for products, please pay attention to the interface between the products are completely consistent; for irregular products, please advance to adjust the overall balance and aesthetics, for example, small pieces of wood can be placed next to large pieces of wood, put next to a thin wood thick timber next, and so on.
For paving a good effect, can be cut to adjust the product. In order to maintain the aesthetics of the appearance of the product, it is recommended to use the product easy to push to lift the saw cutting.
4, adhesive material applied way
The assembly adhesives (latex or ordinary green woodwork was immediately binder) evenly wipe the board, in order to prevent gum before assembling the product has not posted a good curing, smear the area should be controlled in accordance with the product area, then back of the product at the same time cast assembly adhesives, in order to achieve a better bonding effect.
5, paving
Paving the way is generally from the bottom up, paving the order in the same direction, and to fully compacted. Depending on the circumstances require, available in wood nails firmly sutural intensive effect.

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