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Packaging of Glass mosaic

Categories: CP Mosaic newsStars: 3Stars Visit: - Release time: 2015-12-12 10:09:00
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 Union should be printed on every glass mosaic trademark and manufacturer name , the box should be printed on the surface of the product name, name and registered trademark, production date, color, size, quantity and weight (gross, net), and should be printed on moisture, friable, piling up to other signs.

1, signs
a, glass mosaic should be printed on the packaging of each associated trademarks and manufacturer name.
b, the box should be printed on the surface of the product name, the name and trademark, production date, color, size, quantity and weight (gross, net), and should be printed on a damp, brittle, stacked to the other signs.
2, packing
a, glass mosaic packaging cartons, boxes lined with moisture-proof paper; product placement should be closely orderly.
b, inside each box of product, it must be accompanied by inspection certificates.
3, storage, transport
Products in the storage, transportation time, to prevent damp, gently.

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