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How to identify the stone mosaic?

Categories: Industrinal newsStars: 3Stars Visit: - Release time: 2016-04-30 10:18:00
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 In modern decoration, stone mosaic is many people's favorite, because the stone mosaic and other materials having different characteristics. So how to identify the quality of stone mosaic it? 

Identification of stone mosaic.
For processed finished stone finishes, quality is good or bad can be identified from the following four aspects.
1, observing the surface of the stone structure. In general, stone uniform fine material structure has a delicate texture, the share of Stone; stone coarse grain structure and varying its appearance is poor. In addition, due to geological stone of which often produce some fine cracks in the stone along these areas most prone to rupture, attention should be removed. As for the lack of impact is more angular appearance, particular attention should be selected.
2, the amount of stone sizes, so as not to affect splicing, or cause after stitching pattern, patterns, lines deformation, affecting the decorative effect.
3, listen to the stone percussion sounds. In general, the good quality of its stone percussion sound clear and melodious; the contrary, if the stone house there is a slight cause cracks due to weathering or indirect thixotropic loose particles, the percussion sound gruff.
4, with a simple test method to test the quality of the stone is good or bad. Usually in the back of the stone on a particle of ink droplets, such as ink quickly disperse leaching, which showed the stone inside the particles loose or poor gap, stone quality; the other hand, if the ink droplets are fixed in place, then good stone texture.
In the current decoration, Mosaic is mainly used for floor and wall decoration. Mosaic has a compact, color and variety of distinctive characteristics, can spell a variety of beautiful patterns, the effect is beautiful and unique, the effect is completely different from other materials. By understanding the specifications and prices of stone mosaic understand, everyone in the purchase of stone mosaic can be a pretty good idea.
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