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Maintenance methods of Mosaic backdrop ?

Categories: Industrinal newsStars: 3Stars Visit: - Release time: 2016-07-20 11:17:00
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 Maintenance methods of Mosaic backdrop :

1, Check the details, until all finished wall tiling, the adhesive layer after the final setting, after pointing is completed, do a check will be left in the yard seam floating sand use a clean damp soft brush gently out, 16mm beyond the bar dividing joint use 1: 1 cement mortar Yan hook flat hook, and then cloth. When the adhesive layer and the final setting pointing mortar for cleaning.
2, Good air-dried, after the completion of the mosaic paving, pay attention to the protection of the finished product, may be suitably air-dried. In just Puwan surface layer should avoid sun exposure, indoor ventilation should be appropriately maintained until about 24 hours after the hand over, generally post a mosaic paving conservation should be not less than 7 days.
3, Clean, when the adhesive layer and the final setting pointing mortar, you can begin to clean the surface of the mosaic. Cleaning need two buckets, a new means cleaner, a means of clean water, first installed in the cleaner bucket wet cloth, do not wring dry, then wipe with circular manner Mosaic: Then in the second a bucket containing clean wet sponge, then sponge mosaic surface, wipe off any residue. Finally, wipe the surface again with a sponge until clean.
4, The installation of switches and sockets, air-dried after the paving is complete, we need to remove the power to switch and socket reinstalled. Thus, the wall mosaic paving process from successfully completed.

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