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Mosaic glass tile floring

Categories: Industrinal newsStars: 3Stars Visit: - Release time: 2016-04-26 18:00:00
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Mosaic glass tile floors can imbue a room with a sense of lavish luxury. Invoking the elegance of an upscale spa, these luminous tiles can elevate the style and sophistication of any space. However they can be a costly option and maintenance may be difficult inhigh traffic areas, so this is not the right flooring for every application. It’s important to understand the characteristics of the material before you make a decision.
These tiles can come in virtually any size and are available standard as small as ½” x ½”. Squares and rectangles are the most common shapes, but specialty tiles come in a variety of forms. Some installations will combine glass mosaics with tiles of other types such as metal or stone, using the glass as accent pieces.

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