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can glass mosaic be decorated in the floor?

Categories: Industrinal newsStars: 3Stars Visit: - Release time: 2015-12-04 10:51:00
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Due to the crystal glass mosaic of zero water absorption rate, making it the most suitable is in swimming pool, kitchen, bathroom, etc. walls, ground decoration, and due to the mosaic of small specifications can be pieced together to form various colors, gradient, pattern.

Then whether it is appropriate to decorate the floor with the crystal mosaic  ? The answer is not quite suitable.

As ground must inevitably more often subjected to treadmill pressure, it will inevitably be force to be scratched the crystal glass mosaic, and the charm of crystal glass mosaic mainly from the light refraction of crystal glass mosaic , if be torn flowers will make it lose the refraction of light, will lose the crystal glass mosaic charm. An if you must use and outdoor decoration,crystal glass mosaic must be used in the wall, swimming pool bottom, wall and other parts can not easily be subjected to external force, to ensure that the light on the crystal glass mosaic refraction.

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