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Introduction of Artificial crystal

Categories: Industrinal newsStars: 3Stars Visit: - Release time: 2015-12-17 19:49:00
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  Introduction of Artificial crystal

Artificial crystal namely high lead glass, or called lead crystal glass, that was added 24% of lead oxide into ordinary glass (ingredient is silica) , then get the brightness and transparency of artificial crystal as well as similar natural crystal .
Nature: the α crystal grows of artificial method . α quartz can be dissolved in an alkaline solution under high pressure. Crystal structure is more complete, including twins, hole, fewer inclusions. Use its solubility decreases with decreasing temperature, the α quartz crystal can be grown from hydrogen, sodium hydride or sodium carbonate solution. Synthesis pressure 16.5MPa, temperature 400 ℃. (001) basal plane growth rate of 1.27μm / day. It mainly used in the electronics industry, ultrasonic generators, optical instruments and analytical instruments.
Features: International standard lead oxide content of 24%, that is the best man-made crystal chemical properties, compared with ordinary glass, mainly heavy, heavy feeling; a large refractive index, capable of transmitting a colorful spectrum of ten color; high hardness and wear resistance.
Purpose: containing 24% lead oxide glass by leading refining, impurities, hand blown, polished, finely carved, can be made of high-grade quality lead glass art, light sculpture by facets and can reflect colorful for six colors.

Standard: Internationally, there are strict concept of glass, Glass: namely ordinary glass products. Crystal: both lead glass, or called crystal, lead oxide content of 24%. Therefore, containing 24% lead oxide to ensure high-quality of high lead glass.
The difference between man-made crystal and natural crystal
According to the domestic Crystal Company: natural crystal fineness general there will be impurities, the same as cotton, there will be ice cracked. If it is man-made crystal, and sometimes there will be bubbles. The temperature difference between the natural crystal and artificial crystal is great, artificial feel a sense of the kind of ice can be placed in the water, you can see its color transition. The natural is very different of man-made crystal , more natural with more natural light, better color will be show up after wearing a period of time , the false color will become increasingly dark.
Thanks for your reading!:)
CP Mosaic 

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